It’s frustrating to work with people who don’t listen. Whether your colleagues interrupt you, ramble on, or seem distracted, the impact is the same: you feel ignored and the chances for misunderstandings — and mistakes — rise. There are, however, ways you can encourage your colleagues to listen better. First, consider their work styles. Ask them how they like to receive information. Some people are visual; others are verbal. Second, be an empathetic listener. Let your colleagues say what they need to. When there’s a natural pause in the conversation, validate their points, and then share your thoughts. Third, highlight the magnitude of your message when you’re communicating a critical point. Say: “I have something important to say. And I need you to listen.” Finally, sometimes it’s necessary to call out your colleague’s behavior — but try to do it in a positive, compassionate way. Say: “You seem distracted. Is there anything I can help you with?”