After you are approved for and are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you must complete bi-weekly EI reports showing that you are still eligible to receive your EI benefits.
You must complete your EI reports no later than three weeks after each bi-weekly due date. Failure to complete your EI reporting will result in a loss of EI benefits, so ensure you get them done on time.
The most convenient way to submit your EI reports is through the EI Internet Reporting Service. You can also use the EI Telephone Reporting Service at 1-800-531-7555 or complete a paper report.
Go directly to this Government of Canada EI internet reporting webpage and enter your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and your Access Code to log in.
Access Code? If you applied for or are receiving EI, your EI Access Code was sent you to by mail right after you applied. If you cannot find your EI Access Code, you must either call Service Canada at 1-800-206-7218 or visit a Service Canada Office. You cannot get a new access code online. Keep your access code in a safe and secure location that you can access easily.
It is your responsibility to confirm all your own information and to answer all questions truthfully. Providing false information is fraud.
Below is just a template for completing your EI internet reporting. Your circumstances may differ, in which case this template will not be applicable to you. Also, just to be clear, we do not warrant or guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information on this post. In addition, the content may be out of date when you read it. Lastly, nothing on this website is legal advice and no content on this website is intended as legal advice. Contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction to be sure.
If you were terminated from your employment in Ontario, consider calling us to review your severance rights. We provide free consultations. Contact us today.
After you log in, you will be first asked to acknowledge that it is your responsibility to read and understand various questions to verify your continued eligibility for EI. Click I Accept.
Verify that you haven’t moved homes or changed your banking direct deposit information. Click No.
Answer whether you were outside Canada during the two-week period. Click No.
Note: Normally, you cannot receive EI for days you are out of the country. For example, if you took a long weekend in Florida, spending two weekdays out of Canada, you will be docked two days pay on your next EI payment. Keep in mind as well that I have heard that Service Canada works with the Canada Border Services Agency to catch cheaters.
First, answer whether you are self-employed. Click No.
Next, answer if you “worked or received any earnings during the period of this report? This includes work for which you will be paid later, unpaid work, self-employment including farming”. Click No.
Answer whether you attended school or a training course during the period of this report? Click No.
Note: You are not entitled to EI if you are in school unless you are approved an exemption (see the program here).
Answer whether you were you ready, willing and capable of working each day? Click Yes.
Note: “Ready, willing and capable” means you were available for work if it were offered to you. You must be “ready, willing and capable” at all times for continued EI eligibility.
Answer whether you did or will receive any other money during this period? Answer No.
Note: If you are on SUB plan with your employer, do not include those earnings as money received here.
Note: The EI regime is concerned with “earnings” and “benefits”, not simply “money;” not all “monies” are deducted from EI. (see the Employment Insurance Act here). This question is therefore designed to catch people with “earnings” and “benefits”, not gifts and loans etc.
You will be brought to a webpage confirming every answer you provided above. After confirming each one, at the bottom right of the page, Click I Accept.
Call 1-800-206-7218 to speak to a EI Service Canada representative or go to a Service Canada centre and they will complete the report for you.
To fix your mistake, call 1-800-206-7218 to speak to a EI Service Canada representative or go to a Service Canada centre. They will update your EI report.
Your EI payment is deposited directly to your bank account two to three business days after you complete your EI report if you have direct deposit set up. To that end, generally, if you complete your EI report on a Friday, your money will be available Monday or Tuesday. If you get paid by mail, there will be a delay.
The EI internet report website refreshes every other Friday, so you should be able to complete your new EI internet report every other Friday mid-day.
Jeff is a lawyer in Toronto who works for a technology startup. Jeff is a frequent lecturer on employment law and is the author of an employment law textbook and various trade journal articles. Jeff is interested in Canadian business, technology and law, and this blog is his platform to share his views and tips in those areas.